The illustrated timeline in this post tells a story of the evolving structure of Nigeria's beleaguered Qur'anic school system. What can be considered as the prototype official curricula for Qur'anic Schools in Nigeria is the Non-Formal Education Curriculum for Qur'anic schools jointly developed by the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) and UNICEF in 1999. It has undergone a revision in 2003, but in 2011 a harmonized curriculum for Integrated Quranic Schools (IQS) that incorporates many of the provisions of the FGN/UNICEF curriculum was developed by NMEC in 2011. Between 1999 and 2011, there have been several other players and interests with their programmes and plans of what is to become of Nigeria's Quranic schools. In an attempt to reclaim its rightful place in the NFE sector particularly as it relates to IQS, NMEC again came up with the NFE Basic Literacy and Numeracy curriculum in 2019. This has become the default official curricula for IQS in Nigeria but it is hardly so in practice. The IQS sector in Northern Nigeria is witness to several other curricula packages and interventions that at different times reinforce, compete with, or displace the official curriculum that has had to endure official neglect, obsolescence, and rejection by the critical constituencies it targets.